Una scuola latino-americana dell’egemonia? Elementi per una proposta interpretativa

Come citare

Burgos, R. (2020). Una scuola latino-americana dell’egemonia? Elementi per una proposta interpretativa. ——— Materialismo Storico ——— Rivista Di Filosofia, Storia E Scienze Umane, 7(2), 221–264. https://doi.org/10.14276/2531-9582.2156


The aim of this work is to outline, in a descriptive and not analytical way, the main aspects of the Latin American reception of the Gramscian notion of "hegemony", and to argue that these interpretations possess certain characteristics that allow us, in line of hypothesis, to speak of a "Latin American school of hegemony". We then proceed to an exposition, both geographical and thematic, with the aim of highlighting the most relevant characteristics of this "school". In the last section of the article the author discusses the "postcolonial" interpretation of Gramsci's reception in Latin America proposed by Walter Mignolo, and the so-called "philological" Italian approach to Gramsci's study.


Gramsci, Latin America, Translatability, Theory of Hegemony.

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