Letteratura e rivoluzione. Una dialettica aperta

Come citare

Ritrovato, S. (2018). Letteratura e rivoluzione. Una dialettica aperta. ——— Materialismo Storico ——— Rivista Di Filosofia, Storia E Scienze Umane, 4(1), 113–126. https://doi.org/10.14276/2531-9582.1834


The present essay reflects on the complex link that exists between literature and revolution particularly in the twentieth century, and therefore he briefly touches on some decisive passages of the way in which this link has been solved: that is in a clash between power (in which the "revolution" is often caged) and the desire for freedom (to find the contradictions and to denounce them) which is an essential existential condition in the writing of poetry.


Keywords: Literature; Revolution; Poetry; Power; Freedom.


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