Organization Vs. Strategy Towards Rethinking Management for Trajectories of Resilience in World Pandemic Post-Crisis


  • Luciano Pilotti University of Milan, Italy
  • Alessandra Micheletti University of Milan, Italy



The recent history of organizational modelling shows a dominant position of strategy on organization with a weakening of the former in front of growing global complexity and change all over the world. In recent years we have seen organization as “part” of strategy as a dynamic counterweights process of action able to improve managers to take decisions often decoupling them, to put them back together in better and more suitable organizational models for more dynamic stability and gaining resilience in front of innovation  and change. We see in digital world – in particular - to the organization as a (quasi)-substitute for an increasingly weaker concept of strategy as linear process and an alternative and flexible solution to the failures by the logic of pure calculation of consequences (deterministic rationalism) or simple reactivity – as describe by Pavlov 100 years ago  - (bound by external resources), or enclosed in the narrow spaces of a contingent intuitionism of the Bergsonian type (subjectivism and dependence on the constraints of internal resources). Analyzed rigorously by Weaver in the interaction between complexity and science  because all problems which involve dealing simultaneously with a sizable number of factors which  are interrelated into an organic whole that needs of a governance action both with or without information or decision. Exaptation is a model mutuated by biology able to produce solution before problems and in particular after post pandemic crisis.

Author Biography

Luciano Pilotti, University of Milan, Italy

Full Professor, Department of Economics, Society and Politics (DESP)


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