Multiproprietà azionaria e tutela del consumatore: risvolti processuali e funzioni della causa negoziale (nota a Cass. civ., sez. un., 28 gennaio 2020, n. 1868)


[Share multi-ownership and consumer protection: process resolutions and functions of the negotial cause (note to Cass. civ., sez. un., 28 gennaio 2020, n. 1868)] The paper starts from the analysis of the sentence of the Supreme Court no. 1868/2020 relating to share timeshare. It traces the procedural and substantive profiles of the discipline, highlights the differences between pure and impure share timeshare and distinguishes their scope with typical real estate timeshare. The note also focuses on general principles that inform the matter, such as the unavailability of the type and the cause as the practical purpose of the contractual action. Finally, we try to highlight how important it is, especially in this context, to emphasize the merit of negotiations.

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