La tangente: corruzione, economia e politica in Italia e Spagna

Parole chiave

Subject to corruption
tangent culture
political corruption
economic corruption.

Come citare

Saccoccia, M., & Andréu Abela, J. J. (2017). La tangente: corruzione, economia e politica in Italia e Spagna. Argomenti, (6), 43–74.


Bribing culture is a concept that has never been elaborated previously with respect to its importance in the society and the dynamics of corruption. The article outlines in the first place a conception of corruption that defines in a complete way the players involved in the bribery practices and we can then look at this phenomenon in relation to the political system and the economic one. The proposed research examines specifically the role of the tangent in the trading of corruption, the way it is perceived by society and the degree of presence in the Italian and Spanish economy and politics. The role of the bribe as a factor of economic growth or aggression to the system of financial and business development, is analyzed firstly in terms of comparison between the countries considered and then related to the political system.

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