Dalle politiche europee ai progetti del Governo locale per una responsabilità sociale di territorio. Il caso Regione Marche

Parole chiave

Responsabilità sociale di territorio
partnership pubblico-private
governo localeResponsabilità sociale di territorio
governo locale

Come citare

Del Baldo, M., & Demartini, P. (2017). Dalle politiche europee ai progetti del Governo locale per una responsabilità sociale di territorio. Il caso Regione Marche. Argomenti, (5), 105–133. https://doi.org/10.14276/1971-8357.572


From European policies to Local Government’s projects for a Territorial Social Responsibility. The case of Marche Region Territorial Social Responsibility (TSR) is founded on the rediscovery of the values shared by economic, social and institutional actors within a territory. CSR-oriented partnerships between local and private partners can be considered as a new generation of policies which are the result of a common path founded on collaboration. The shift from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to collective responsibility sees institutions and organisations (public and private, for profit and non-profit) participating in a form of economic development that is socially and environmentally sustainable. Drawing from the above consideration, after having analysed how the concept of TSR has been adopted in the EU policies and in the Italian national plan, the aim of our research is the evaluation  of Italian local government initiatives to promote Corporate Social Responsibility through public-private network. The empirical study is focused on the “Regione Marche” experience, which is an example of shared territorial governance and of a practive model aimed at promoting a territorial sustainable development

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