Distretto della pesca e filiera ittica: un parallelo con riferimento all’Alto Adriatico

Come citare

Benetti, S. (2015). Distretto della pesca e filiera ittica: un parallelo con riferimento all’Alto Adriatico. Argomenti, (2), 93–118. https://doi.org/10.14276/1971-8357.496


The topic of this thesis was inspired by the question “Can the fishing industry in the province of Ferrara become a district?”, asked by Massimo Buriani  in an article published in the 2012 edition of the Socioeconomic Annual Report of Ferrara. Considering the importance of the contribution given by fishing economy to the productivity growth of this country, this work’s main objective is to clarify the differences and analogies between the fishing district and the small- and large-sized fishing industry; moreover, to which extent the notion of “district” can be adapted to the economic reality of the High-Adriatic District, particularly considering the case of  Ferrara. Finally, the topic deals with important current issues of European interest related to environmental protection zones fish - district considered: the Marine Strategy , the European Fisheries Fund and the Group of Coastal Action .


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